Kizuna Ability Warrior

  • It will unlock after reaching 1st book Chapter 4 (Lake of Sand).
  • Enough cost is needed to set Kizuna.
  • How to set Kizuna?: from Arcana, click the small box written "empty" then click the word 決定 to set.

Stats Up Type

Increase Attack/Decrease the damage taken

Arcana NameEffectCost
Oryou Increase attack(6%) and decrease the damage taken(5%)4
Rinrii Increase attack(3%) and increase more during boss wave(10%) 4
Kano Increase attack(3%), movement speed(20%), and decrease the damage taken(3%) 3
Luke Increase attack(15%) but increase the damage taken(10) 4
Baki Increase attack(3%) and critical hit power(5%) 4
Shelazard Decrease the damage taken(3%)、increase attack(15%) when the wearer is in poison/slow/curse/weak state 4

Activate when HP is~below

Lolleta Increase gold(10%),Increase attack(10%) and movement speed(?%) when HP is 3/4 below4
Bariki Increase attack when HP is 1/3 below 4

Activate during Boss Wave

Yukata Sonia Decrease the damage from fire element attacks、Increase attack during boss wave, and decrease the damage taken 4
Yoshitsugu Increase attack(25%) against oni, and increase attack(10%) during boss wave 4
Yuusha Increase attack(15%) during boss wave and increase the movement speed 4
Agudara Increase skill's power(8%) and increase attack(10%) during boss wave 4
Rinrii Increase attack(3%) and Increase more(10%) during boss wave 4

Increase movement speed

Kano Increase attack(3%), movement speed(20%), and decrease the damage taken(3%) 3
Genocider Syo Increase Movement speed and attack(20%) against human 4
Bokuten Increase Movement speed and Chance to inflice daze (2-3%) when critical hit 4
Nyanta Increase movement speed and critical hit power(10%) 4

Inflict Status Ailment

Gin Increase skill's power(8%) and chance to inflict daze when critical hit4
Akatsuki Chance to inflict poison when using normal attack 4
Laia Chance to inflict poison when using normal attack 4
Chiyome Chance to inflict Slow when Critical hit 4
Ruler Chance to inflict Slow when Critical hit and increase critical hit power(10%) 4
Fuuko Increase skill's power(5%) and chance to inflict blind 4
Yoshino Chance to inflict Daze when critical hit and add 1(warrior) mana before the battle starts 4

Increase Skill's power

Gin Increase skill's power(8%) and chance to inflict daze when critical hit4
Agudara Increase skill's power(8%) and increase attack(10%) during boss wave 4
Kiki Increase skill's power(8%) 4
Fuuko Increase skill's power(5%) and chance to inflict blind 4
Sonia Increase skill's power 4

Boost Critical hit power

Nyanta Increase movement speed and critical hit power(10%) 4
Ruler Chance to inflict Slow when Critical hit and increase critical hit power(10%) 4
Marida Increase attack and critical hit power(5%) and heals her HP(12%) every wave 4
Baki Increase attack and critical hit power(5%) 4

Increase damage against enemies inflicted with status ailments

Yolde Increase damage(35%) against enemies inflicted with Daze 4
Kaminazuki Increase damage(20%) against enemies inflicted with Slow/blind/curse 4

Increase attack when you are inflicted with status ailments

Monokuma Increase attack(15%) when inflicted with poison/slow/blind 4
Shelazard Decrease the damage taken(3%)、increase attack(15%) when the wearer is in poison/slow/curse/weak state 4

Increase attack when in said location

Miimu Increase attack(20%) and decrease the damage taken(20%) when the Location is City 4
Lindsey Increase attack(25%) and movement speed(10%) when the location is Forest 4

Heal Type

Heals every turn

Marida Increase attack and critical hit power(5%) and heals her HP(12%) every wave 4
Celine Heals(15%) the single ally with lowest HP every turn 4
Coropatiron Heals own's HP every few seconds 4
Sulsutan Heals 4% of damage dealt 4
Yukata Lolleta Increase gold(5%) and Heals 3% of damage dealt 4
Sapuras Heals 8% of damage dealt when Critical hit 4

Support type

Activate when in sub

Tsuru Increase the team's attack(3%) when in sub and increase the movement speed 4
Protagonist(2nd) Increase the team's attack(2%) when in sub 4
Sakuya Increase the team's attack(?%) when in sub 4

Nullifies all status ailments

Moanette Nullify against Daze 4


Yoshino Chance to inflict Daze when critical hit and add 1(warrior) mana before the battle starts 4

Increase the drop of Treasure box

Nimpha Increase the drop rate of Treasure box 4
Rineia Increase the drop rate of Treasure box and gold(10%) 4

Increase Gold

Rineia Increase the drop rate of Treasure box and gold(10%) 4
Yukata Lolleta Increase gold(5%) and Heals 3% of damage dealt 4
Lolleta Increase gold(10%),Increase attack(10%) and movement speed(?%) when HP is 3/4 below4





必ず「Gamerch ガイドライン」をご覧の上、書き込みをお願いします。












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